Rules sections

Board rules

These rules are disclosed to clarify the various responsibilities of all community members here on Dungeons Of Dwarfheim. They shall be adhered to by everyone to ensure that our board runs smoothly and provides a fun and productive experience for all of our community members and visitors.

  1. Forum Rules

    1. General Posting Rules
      The rules for the forum! Follow these or be beset upon by beasts in the dungeon! >:D

      First off, before we begin, I'd also like to say if you have ANY questions or concerns, feel free to PM me personally, email the forum, or post in the support section! I want you (the one reading this!!!) to have a nice time on this forum! So please contact me for any reason at all! Add me on Discord, even! Have a nice day!
      • Don't post any hateful or bigoted content!
      • Don't post anything/any links to anything illegal! (Even cool stuff like piracy! My webhost will get mad at me!!!)
      • Don't post anything NSFW! This isn't really an 18+ forum!!! (Though on that note, I won't mind if your epic sorceress character is kinda seductive or you describe a sphinx as having breasts or whatever! Use your best judgement!)
      • Please, be kind to one another!
      • I, as Administrator of the board, have the right to interpret these rules as I wish, and can make judgements with these interpretations! I will always endeavor to assume good faith behind every action though! (I'm the only moderator on the board at the moment, please have mercy!)
      • The Most Important Rule: I don't care if you bump your threads with a post! (Sacrilegious, I know!)
    2. Roleplay-Specific Rules
      Roleplay is all about having a conversation with other people! The rules below are some guidelines I'd like y'all to have when posting!
      • Be aware that you can create multiple accounts under the same email, and switch between them easily using the forums built-in systems! This is not needed!!! If you don't want to make a separate account per character, please include a kind of sign in your posts to indicate who you're roleplaying as, this can be as simple as a "Character Name: " before your post text!
      • This forum is made with the whole spectrum of roleplayer skill levels in mind, and I beseech you to forgive misspellings, messages you deem too short, etc! I want this to be an inclusive and fun roleplaying experience for everyone! However I do understand the want for more advanced roleplay, so feel free to make your own threads with word count quotas and whatnot, I just ask that you let newbies give it a shot!
      • Please communicate with your fellow players! If you feel like you don't like the direction a roleplay is going, feel free to talk OOC (Out of Character) with your peers! You shouldn't be afraid to express what you want out of a RP session, agree to retcon stuff if you want! Basically, same as with general posting, remember that your fellow players all just want to have fun, and can probably accommodate you on any needs you have, all you have to do is speak up!
    3. Worldbuilding-Specific Rules
      A goal I have with this site is to have a majority of the roleplay, doesn't have to be all of it though, take place in a collaboratively built world! A realm crafted by the players! I will talk more about this in the worldbuilding subforum!
      • Same rules as the roleplaying sections apply here, please don't be too hard on anyone's worldbuilding ideas!
      • I'd say the general theme of this forum is "Fantasy", but I love Sci-fi concepts as well! Mix them in if you like! Just know that this forum is skewed towards fantasy.
      • I, as the "Game Master" of the collaborative worldbuilding part of this forum, will say that I have the right to veto an idea if I find it doesn't mesh well, or harms the world in some unroleplayable way! Feel free to suggest anything though, fantasy should be fantastical!